These photos were taken while traveling the lonely roads of Utah and Nevada. Many of these places were met after driving hundreds of miles through empty landscape; destroyed buildings and structures isolated by vast gaps of uncivilized land. After driving all day through a completely empty stretch of road, I saw one old sign pointing down a dirt path, with a town's name painted on front. After following the dirt path for 20 minutes we finally reached a clearing in the grass, only to find a large spread out pile of old wood and the dirt imprints of a house. This was once a home, or small town of some sort, a hundred years ago perhaps. I've never felt so isolated and alone as I did when contemplating the entire history of this town's tombstone, and how forgotten and hidden it is from the world. It was a completely exhilarating and humbling thought. That night, We slept in the middle of clearing, and ate in silence beneath the moon, imagining people and experiences that once were. Each encounter drove my imagination overboard, and their memory still occupies my thoughts. Even as I sleep, these ghosts are still awake somewhere in an empty, quiet world, with nothing but the moon and wind to keep them company.  

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